
Seduced by Art. Photography Past and Present. With contributions by Christopher Riopelle.

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COD: 716d6d849aab Categoria:
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New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 2012. Cm. 29×24, pp. 215, tavv. e ill. a col. e in nero n. t., cart. e sovrac.

Catalogo della mostra tenutasi a Londra nel 2012-2013.

In the nineteenth century, photography was establishing itself as a new pictorial medium. Pioneers such as Julia Margaret Cameron and Gustav Rejlander looked to the Old Masters – whose value was proven – for ispiration. Today’s photographers no longer struggle to assert the medium’s status, yet they continue to quote the great painters: Caravaggio, Constable, Degas, Delacroix, Ingres and countless others at the National Gallery are referenced and reinterpreted. Why is the art of the past still so beguiling? This book sets out to answer that question, addressing the genres of history painting, portraiture, the nude, still life and landscape.

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